Dr. Liu has been a research staff member at IBM Research since June 2012. Previously he was a researcher at IBM Research, Almaden Research Laboratory (February 2011 - June 2012), a research assistant at University of Wisconsin-Madison (September 2005 - September 2010), and an etch process engineer at the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (April 2002 - August 2005). He is the co-inventor of the "LiNe" (Liu-Nealey) flow. It is one of the first and most widely used DSA processes in the industry.
Directed self-assembly of block copolymers on chemical patterns: A platform for nanofabrication
Ji, SX; Wan, L; Liu, CC; Nealey, PF. Directed self-assembly of block copolymers on chemical patterns: A platform for nanofabrication. Progress in Polymer Science. 2016. Vol. 54-55, Pg. 76-127.
Creating periodic local strain in monolayer graphene with nanopillars patterned by self-assembled bl
H. Mi, S. Mikael, C.C. Liu, J.H. Seo, G. Gui, A.L. Ma, P.F. Nealey and Z. Ma. Creating periodic local strain in monolayer graphene with nanopillars patterned by self-assembled bl. Applied Physics Letters. 2015. Vol. 107, Pg. 143107 .
Site-Specific Placement of Au Nanoparticles on Chemical Nanopatterns Prepared by Molecular Transfer
Onses, M.S., Thode, C.J., Liu, C.C., Ji, S., Cook, P.L., Himpsel, F.J. and Nealey, P.F.. Site-Specific Placement of Au Nanoparticles on Chemical Nanopatterns Prepared by Molecular Transfer. Advanced Functional Materials. 2011. Vol. 21, Pg. 3074.
Nanofabrication of Broad-Band Antireflective Surfaces Using Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers
Päivänranta, B., Sahoo, P.K., Tocce, E., Auzelyte, V., Ekinci, Y., Solak, H.H., Liu, C.C., Stuen, K.O., Nealey, P.F. and David, C. Nanofabrication of Broad-Band Antireflective Surfaces Using Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers. ACS Nano. 2011. Vol. 5, Pg. 1860.
Localization of Multiple DNA Sequences on Nanopatterns
Onses, M.S., Pathak, P., Liu, C.C., Cerrina, F. and Nealey, P.F.. Localization of Multiple DNA Sequences on Nanopatterns. ACS Nano. 2011. Vol. 5, Pg. 7899.
Domain Orientation and Grain Coarsening in Cylinder-Forming Poly(styrene-b-methyl methacrylate) Film
Ji, S., Liu, C.C., Liao, W., Fenske, A.L., Craig, G.S. and Nealey, P.F.. Domain Orientation and Grain Coarsening in Cylinder-Forming Poly(styrene-b-methyl methacrylate) Film. Macromolecules. 2011. Vol. 44, Pg. 4291.
Three-dimensional Directed Assembly of Block Copolymers together with Two-dimensional Square and Rec
Ji, S., Nagpal, U., Liao, W., Liu, C.C., de Pablo, J.J. and Nealey, P.F.. Three-dimensional Directed Assembly of Block Copolymers together with Two-dimensional Square and Rec. Advanced Materials. 2011. Vol. 23, Pg. 3692.
Fabrication of Lithographically Defined Chemically Patterned Polymer Brushes and Mats
Liu, C.C., Han, E., Onses, M.S., Thode, C.J., Ji, S., Gopalan, P. and Nealey, P.F.. Fabrication of Lithographically Defined Chemically Patterned Polymer Brushes and Mats. Macromolecules. 2011. Vol. 44, Pg. 1876.
Towards an all-track 300 mm process for directed self-assembly
Liu, C.C., Thode, C.J., Delgadillo, P.A.R., Craig, G.S., Nealey, P.F. and Gronheid, R.. Towards an all-track 300 mm process for directed self-assembly. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B. 2011. Vol. 29, Pg. 06F203.