Moshe Dolejsi
Nealey Group

Moshe Dolejsi

Nanothin film conductivity measurements reveal interfacial influence on ion transport in polymer electrolytes

Dong, B. X., Bennington, P., Kambe, Y., Sharon, D., Dolejsi, M., Strzalka, J., … Patel, S. N. (2019). Nanothin film conductivity measurements reveal interfacial influence on ion transport in polymer electrolytes. Mol. Syst. Des. Eng., 4(3), 597–608.

Interrogation of Electrochemical Properties of Polymer Electrolyte Thin Films with Interdigitated Electrodes

Sharon, D., Bennington, P., Liu, C., Kambe, Y., Dong, B. X., Burnett, V. F., … Nealey, P. F. (2018). Interrogation of Electrochemical Properties of Polymer Electrolyte Thin Films with Interdigitated Electrodes. Journal of The Electrochemical Society , 165(16), H1028–H1039.