Pin-Ruei Huang
Rowan Group

Pin-Ruei (Ray) Huang

Ray was born and grew up in Taipei, Taiwan. He graduated with a BS degree in chemistry at the University of Washington - Seattle in 2022. During his time at UW, Ray joined Prof. Matthew Golder’s group to study the architecture of cyclic polymers and their corresponding organometallic initiator. Ray decided to continue his graduate study at the University of Chicago PME in 2022. He is now co-advised by Prof. Stuart Rowan and Prof. Aaron Esser-Kahn.

Ray is currently working on utilizing piezoelectric nanoparticles with dynamic bonds in polymeric materials.

Bioinspired mechanical mineralization of organogels

J. Ayarza, J. Wang, H. Kim, P.-R. Huang, B. Cassaidy, G. Yan, C. Liu, H. M. Jaeger, S. J. Rowan & A. P. Esser-Kahn, Nature Communications 14, 8319 (2023)