Hatticia serves as the lead person of contact for the Galli Group in PME. As the lab manager/administrator, Hatticia supports the day-to-day operational and research needs of the Galli Group's complex research activities. These activities include the Galli lab (composed of 20+ students and post-doctoral research associates), a computational materials science center (MICCoM), and special events related to federally funded projects. Works closely with partners and faculty leads to plan, oversee, and execute all aspects of the research operation, particularly the organization of students and post-docs activities, grant proposal preparation and manuscript editing, as well as day-to-day operations of MICCoM.

Hatticia Reynolds
Research Administrator
- Contact: hatticiar@uchicago.edu
Office Location:
Room 151
5607 S. Drexel Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637