Tirrell Group

David Goldfeld

David J. Goldfeld is a chemistry/physics double major at the University of Chicago. He first became a research intern at Saint Louis University under Professor Shelley Minteer, where he developed methods for the fabrication of carbon nanostructure based microfluidic enzymatic biofuel cell electrodes. His research interests continued with engineered particles on the nanoscale, including the bottom-up synthesis and applications of various inorganic nanoparticles such as gold and silver nanocubes and nanocages under Dr. Dong Qin and Professor Younan Xia at Washington University in St. Louis. Later, he researched novel polymers for semiconductor manufacturing under Professor Paul Kohl at Georgia Institute of Technology. He has extensive experience with photolithography and electron microscopy and has logged hundreds of hours in cleanrooms at multiple universities.

David works with postdoctoral researcher Dr. Matthew Kade in the Tirrell lab, completing work in organic synthesis. The group specializes in the synthesis of various polymers including co-block polymers, biologically active polymers, and the engineered synthesis of peptide amphiphiles. David works extensively in the characterization of these molecules using methods including light scattering, fluorescence spectroscopy, high pressure liquid chromatography, and gel permeation chromatography. Several current projects are in collaboration with research groups at the Pritzker School of Medicine and also involve groups in various departments in the physical sciences.

Structure, Morphology, and Rheology of Polyelectrolyte Complex Hydrogels Formed by Self-Assembly of Oppositely Charged Triblock Polyelectrolytes

Srivastava, Samanvaya, Adam E. Levi, David J. Goldfeld, and Matthew V. Tirrell. "Structure, morphology, and rheology of polyelectrolyte complex hydrogels formed by self-assembly of oppositely charged triblock polyelectrolytes." Macromolecules 53, no. 14 (2020): 5763-5774. Harvard

Gel phase formation in dilute triblock copolyelectrolyte complexes

S. Srivastava, M. Andreev, A. E. Levi, D. J. Goldfeld, J. Mao, W. T. Heller, V. M. Prabhu, J. J. De Pablo, M. Tirrell. Gel phase formation in dilute triblock copolyelectrolyte complexes. Nature Commun.. 2017. Vol. 8, Pg. 14131.